Friday, September 20, 2019

Seven Tips to Fix Your Cholesterol without Medication 

High cholesterol has been linked to the cause of heart attacks and various heart diseases which has led to the several drugs being developed just to combat high cholesterol.
Different kinds of drugs have been made to help increase your good cholesterol level (HDL) and also decrease the bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body. These medication has however been seen to increase the possibility of heart attacks and lead to an increase in the number of deaths.
Heart diseases are caused by several factors including high cholesterol and some of them are; lifestyle, stress, physical fitness and diet.

Here are seven tips on how to control your cholesterol level without medication;

·         Cholesterol tests – the first rule of treatment is a correct diagnosis of the problem. Before controlling your cholesterol levels, you need to carry out cholesterol tests. Pay a visit to your doctor to check for your numbers of HDL and LDL. Also check for the size of your cholesterol particles to know if you have small or large particles.

·         Exercises – physical fitness is very important in having a healthy and happy life. Regular exercises helps keep your body fit and agile and can help prevent several kinds of heart diseases and many other disease that could harm your body system.

·         Healthy diet – having a physically fit body is important but feeding that body with a healthy diet helps strike a balance. A healthy diet has been known to prevent several disease or conditions that could lead to a heart attack such as obesity. For a healthy cholesterol level; increase your fiber and omega-3 intake, add nuts, beans and other sources of quality protein to your diet, increase your phytonutrient and decrease your glycemic load.

·         Metabolic syndrome test – metabolic syndrome is a condition where you have small LDL and HDL particles. Carrying out a test to know if you have this syndrome is important to further understand the type of treatment you would be needing. Measure your belly, your triglycerides level, check your hemoglobin and carry out a glucose insulin test.

·         Sleep – stress is another cause of heart disease and getting enough of it goes a long way in reducing your stress levels. In addition, your body does a lot of healing and balances your blood sugar while you are asleep. 

·         Supplements – taking supplements along with a healthy diet can help maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Vitamins such as vitamin D3, omega-3 fats can be taken as a supplement. Multivitamins which contain lipoic acid and chromium can also be added to you supplements.

·         Vitamin B3 – a high dose of vitamin B3 can also help increase your HDL cholesterol and decrease your LDL cholesterol. It also helps in increasing the size of your cholesterol particles. Always consult your doctor for prescriptions on supplements and before using a high dose of Vitamin B3.

Finally, the above steps would help control your cholesterol level. You can also consider some lifestyle changes like smoking, alcohol intake, keeping your environment clean and staying positive.

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